Thank you for your interest in our biotechnology field trips program.

We are looking forward to being back in our newly remodeled teaching labs for semester II, 2025. We are secheduling on-the-road fielDs trips for Semester I, 2024 Starting in September.

ASK TO JOIN OUR TEACHER EMAIL LIST for updates or contact AIDAN HOLMES for additional details. Thanks!


Geared to middle, high school and college students and their teachers, Biotechnology Field Trips are designed as a 1.5 to 5 hour visit to the BioPharmaceutical Technology Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Supported by instructors, a fully-equipped molecular biology laboratory and ample time,  students are able to immerse themselves in the concepts of biotechnology, and to apply those concepts by learning hands-on techniques.

Depending on which experiences you select, fees range from $8/student to $15/student per lab (see also: Cancellation Policy). Some of the field trips can also be taught in an On The Road format and brought to your school, or to any suitable classroom space.

Looking for something shorter, customized to fit into your class period? Check out our VIRTUAL OFFERINGS!

New for March 2023!

Add our new intermediate lab “Protein Expression with β-Galactosidase” to any 2 or 3 hour lab experience. Students will learn about cell growth, protein expression, and β-galactosidase before setting up bacterial cultures with various additives affecting growth and/or expression. Students will participate in their other lab experience while the bacteria grow for a few hours. Then, they will assay their cultures, collect data on a spectrophotometer, and analyze their results.

Key Topics:

    • Cell Growth
    • Protein Expression and Enzymes
    • Data Analysis

Please email us if you have questions about this lab; open to customization.


Introductory field trips are designed for students of all levels who wish to engage both their hands and minds in a fun biotechnology activity!


Intermediate field trips are designed for students at a high school level or above who have had exposure to the concepts of molecular biology. Students that have had experience in the laboratory with micropipettes will be at a distinct advantage when they explore concepts that are fundamental to the way in which modern biotechnology works!


Advanced field trips are geared toward students that are advanced high school level or above. They utilize a more sophisticated set of molecular concepts and ask students to relate those concepts to the world around them. In order to ensure that your students benefit from these experiences, prior experience with PCR, DNA electrophoresis, and the use of micropipettes is highly recommended.

We had an absolutely outstanding time, and the balance of background information in the auditorium and lab time was perfect.”

- Sarah Wright, Eagle School science teacher