Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) labs explain the principles and uses of this very powerful technique. Students set up a set of PCR reactions using different DNA templates. Agarose gel electrophoresis is then performed to visualize the PCR-amplified DNA products. Gels are photographed and used to determine the result of a given scenario: Genetic Screening, Detection of Genetically Modified Foods, or a bacterial colony screen.

Option 1:  Students use PCR on different sized inserts to simulate short tandem repeats in a genetic screening scenario.

Option 2:  Students use PCR on different corn-based food sources to detect for the presence of 35S promoter, often used in genetically modified food.

Key Topics:

  • DNA Replication and DNA Polymerases
  • PCR Reaction Components and their Functions
  • Gel Electrophoresis and DNA Size Determination

This field trip can be taken On the Road with additional fees, given the following:

  • Field trip can be held in a space away from food or drink is required, preferably without carpet.
  • Access to electricity for each group of four students somewhere in the room.

This field trip is categorized as an Intermediate field trip, and is appropriate for students at a high school level or above who have had exposure to the concepts of molecular biology. Students that have had experience in the laboratory with micropipettes will be at a distinct advantage when they explore concepts that are fundamental to the way in which modern biotechnology works!

Length of Field Trip: 2.5 to 3 hours

Cost of Field Trip: $208 for up to 16 students; $13 for every additional student.

Genetic Screening Background information
Genetic Screening Student scenario
GM Foods laboratory protocol
GM Foods background information